EMDR and Brainspotting…

The way I work with trauma is as part of long-term psychotherapy as most trauma occurs within relationships. I use a number of tools to work with trauma and these include the usual psychotherapy tools as well as EMDR, Brainspotting and some Sensorimotor psychotherapy. These are used to treat anything from mild trauma, or little t traumas, to big T traumas such as any form of abuse, rape, hospitalisations, etc.

Although, my initial trauma training was in EMDR, I now prefer to use Brainspotting as I feel that this offers a more gentle and more profound healing in treating trauma, anxiety, depression, stress, phobias, obsessions, fears, etc. Brainspotting works very well within the context of the therapeutic relationship.

Brainspotting is a new psychotherapy approach developed by David Grand www.brainspotting.pro Brainspotting (BSP) uses the field of vision to locate eye positions that correlate to inner neural and emotional experience. Once located, these eye positions or Brainspots, through eye fixation, lead to a healing of issues deeply held in the non-verbal, non-cognitive areas of the brain. Brainspotting combines focused activation and focused mindfulness to accomplish a full, comprehensive discharge of activation held in the brain and body. (Quote from Philip Dutton: www.brainspotting.org.uk. )

The science of the brain, Neurobiology, has become increasingly important in the treatment of mental health issues. Brainspotting suggests that where the sense of ‘who we are’ resides, is also where we are affected the most by trauma and so where the resolution pathways reside. Brainspotting seems to be the first therapy to work at the core of the self, for real resolution and truly effective healing. Please see www.brainspotting.org.uk.